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24.09.2022 Jasmin Schweizer

The part of humanity without prejudice is denied judgment. The people who laugh the most are taken the least seriously. The part of humanity whose rights are trampled on the most is the most forgiving. They are the biggest optimists and often live in the most precarious conditions. Children.

In my many years of working with children, I have always been surprised by their strength, their steadfastness, their cheerfulness, and their simple and clear but true views of their difficult life situations. Children playfully practice what many stressed adults try to do thanks to 10-minute exercises using trendy mindfulness apps: live in the here and now. "The world belongs in children's hands, an end to the gloom, we are laughed into the ground, children to power". Herbert Grönemeyer sang this back in the 1980s. Children have lost none of this in all these years, have not given up in disillusionment and lost their radiance in the face of all the global injustices that still affect them. It is not only about not enough food or the loss of a roof over their heads, in countries far away from our world, but also about everyday psychological and often physical violence that children experience everywhere. They still haven't given up hope that adults mean well, that they can transform the world into a better, safer and more equal place. Children are my role models here, they believe in good despite everything. This makes me feel humble. As an adult, I wish I could also live in such a (dream) world. . I dream that you just understand that I'd rather live in my dreamworld.

But does it have to remain a dream world?

We were all children once, too. What happened to us on the way to adulthood? What screws have been tightened, what levers have been manipulated, what buttons have been pushed that we can't bring ourselves to create a world that, simply put, follows the golden rule? "Treat others as you would have them treat you". What do we preach to our children and what do we model for them? It has long been known from science that people learn from models. The world is currently upside down. War and injustice are omnipresent. Is this perhaps the last word in wisdom, that we adults became this way because we were also taught this way? That would then mean that it is up to us adults to set a different example for today's children. Do we take responsibility? As is well known, hope dies last. I orientate myself on the children, the wise, who are closer to the true, original and believe in the good. I wish that my DREAMWORLD becomes our world. And you? It is up to us.

translated from the original German version

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